Home Gigs Incubus – Live Review – Ulster Hall – Belfast

Incubus – Live Review – Ulster Hall – Belfast

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Summer is gone and it’s pissing down as I bomb down the motorway en route to the infamous venue that is The Ulster Hall in Belfast. Why pray tell, well I’m glad you asked. There’s a lil’ old band from Cali-forn-i-a in town called Incubus and they’re ready to rock!

In tow Ecca Vandal, a South African born artist who fuses a wealth or worldly influences into an angst ridden, groove laden and hard hitting songs that pack a punch of a heavyweight. At first it seem like a curious combo but as the set grows her hefty weighted rhythms and ballsy swagger prove contagious. You cant take your eyes off the stage as she covers it end to end, thrashing guitars, synths and a savage drum beat prove an addictive combination. Without a doubt an artist worth checking out if you fancy something far removed form the cookie cutter off the shelf bombarding our airwaves.


Tonight though was about one thing, Incubus on Irish soil and the hallowed ground that is the Ulster Hall, rich in musical history, tonight would be yet another momentous occasion that would merge the old and the new once again.

An eclectic crowd gathered by the time Incubus took to the stage, with a savage three song intro of brutal classics that included, ‘Privelege’ ‘Anna Molloy’ and ‘Meglomaniac’ the room erupted into a frenzy. On a dime each track would start and stop, technical proficiency and savage intent all delivered in one blow. Backed by a wall of video screens the quintet were set alight with psychedelic images changing to the beat, the band rip their way through almost three decades and eight studio albums worth of gargantuan sounding tracks, one after another bigger than the last.

A stunning performance by all involved, from Brandon Boyds signature vocals delivery to the solid and enigmatic backline of thumping bass and drums to Mike Einziger’s complex and multi-layered guitar effects, which filled the room in waves. Throw in a few surprise covers, INXS ‘Need You Tonight’ and Pink Floyd’s ‘Wish You Were Here’ and you have an evening filled with audible delicacies of the finest order.

Incubus delivered a stunning performance, one of the finest bands of the 90’s still delivering on all levels and with their latest studio album ‘8’ with a return to the Incubus of old, it’s like the 00’s and new millenials never happened, maybe it was all a dream?


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