Home News News: WaterBear Offers an Amazing Festival Slot Opportunity to Rising Bands

News: WaterBear Offers an Amazing Festival Slot Opportunity to Rising Bands

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WaterBear Offers an Amazing Festival Slot Opportunity to Rising Bands

Listen up, music makers, and you’ll hear opportunity knocking. Applications are open for slots on The Rising Stage at The Ramblin’ Man Fair 2019.

Email your EPK (electronic press kit) to risingstage@waterbear.io, with “Ramblin’ Man” in the message’s subject box. The EPK should include your biog, one video and links to your socials. If you haven’t got an EPK together, check out the WaterBear blog entry on how to put an effective package together and make use of it.

WaterBear’s Bruce John Dickinson will be personally shortlisting the bands. Hundreds will apply. Bruce will make a short list of forty bands and that list goes straight to the The Ramblin’ Man team. They then, in the New Year, pick the winners and final line-up. This year there are two days across the Rising Stage, which means that there are twice as many slots available as there were last year. 

Keep an eye out for The Big Red who will be running an opportunity for this stage as well. Watch the video for more details.

There’ll also be the usual ‘Wild Card’ slot , chosen by The Ramblin’ Man team themselves.

That gives you three bites at the cherry: three ways to get a place on the line-up.            

Bruce’s Top Tips:

  1. The Ramblin’ Man team LOVE to see progression, so bands that were in the running last year and can show progression and putting in the groundwork to build up audience, following, social media sign-up etc. increase their chances.
  2. Experience, musicianship and professionalism: the team look for bands with what it takes to pull off a festival slot, with all the pressure and technical demands of fast changeovers without sound checks etc.
  3. It’s about The Music! We’re looking for talent, quality, originality and entertainment value for the festival.

A slot at Ramblin’ Man Fair can be a great showcase for your band and a stepping stone to bigger things. Artists like Kris Barras, Wayward Sons, Stone Broken, and Massive Wagons have all gone played the Fair.

Deadline for submissions is Jan 1st 2019

So what are you waiting for? Get the application in. We can’t wait to hear your music!

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Any bands or band members who work for WaterBear are not eligible to enter. Students who study at WaterBear and bands who have attended the Underground Music Conferences are of course eligible and encouraged to apply. 
  2. Bands that apply do not have to be local to the festival, however bands from Kent are particularly encouraged to apply. 
  3. Online conduct will be taken into account.
  4. The shortlist of bands will be selected by Bruce John Dickinson. This will be decided on a number of factors including: musical merit, genre, suitability, fan engagement and how actively the band are progressing their own career. 
  5. The short list will then be sent to The Ramblin’ Man team and they will choose the line-up. The decision made will be final.


  1. Bands must enter by either sending an EPK or a bio, 1 video and links to the band social media to the email address: risingstage@wbear.io 
  2. Bands must only apply if they are available on the dates of the festival. The stage will run on Sat 20th and Sun 21st July 2019 and is back in full force over 2 days.
  3. The deadline for submissions is January 1st 2019.
  4. Ramblin’ Man fair will announce details of the ‘wild card’ fan vote for one slot on the stage in the new year.
  5. The timing of the final announcement of the line-up will be decided by Ramblin’ Man Fair (but is expected to be around April 2019).

Interested in achieving a BA or an MA qualification as a producer, vocalist, musician, film-maker, social media content producer, songwriter, tour manager or DJ?

Come to one of our open days to see how we can help you:
* Saturday 22nd September
* Saturday 6th October 
* Saturday 3rd November 
* Saturday 1st December

To book your place: Call 01273 726230 or email info@wbear.io

Find out more on our website: www.waterbear.org.uk

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