Home Gigs Gig Review : Devilskin @ The Cathouse, Glasgow 3rd November 2018

Gig Review : Devilskin @ The Cathouse, Glasgow 3rd November 2018

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After ripping Europe a new one as support to Halestorm, Devilskin come back to the UK for a full tour and solidify why they are one of the best live bands on the planet.

Tonight was not without its challenges as once again The Cathouse fell well short with the sound. This is the third gig on the trot for me where the sound can only be described as hellish. The venue had better sort this out or bands will refuse to book it.

The sound man tonight can be best described as predator who had came to lay waste to the world but got lost and asked Cheech and Chong for directions only to lose interest in world domination and amid some serious munchies decided(wrongly) he could take up a career as a sound technician.

If you know this band at all you know they are ferocious but tonight we get a gentle introduction with “Limbs”. The intro starts once the band come on and then Jen gives you a lesson on vocal harmonies and guttural screaming.

Next is probably the best opening track to a debut album in decades. The first track I heard from the band and I was hooked instantly. “Elvis Presley Circle Pit” is the song I play to everyone I want to listen to the band(so god knows how many times I have heard it now). It encapsulates Devilskin, the melody, the brutal guitars and Jen’s voice just takes your breath away.

We jump back to the most recent album release Be Like The River with “Pray” and we see Paul “The Animal” Martin prowl the stage like the beast he is. This is followed up with a new song in “All Fall Down” and going by this and “Endo” the new album is shaping up well…even if we will have to wait till late next year to hear it.

“Mountains” is up next and I still shiver at the thought of that video but onstage you can feel the bands frustrations at the sound, if I did not know better I would say Glasgow is jinxed for the band…and I reckon I will be going elsewhere next tour.

By the time we get to “Animal” the sound is starting to settle and we can hear clearly. Just as well as this song deserves crystal quality. This song is the one that went down a treat in Europe with fans who had never heard the band rushing the merch stand demanding the CD it was on. This song shows the softer side to Devilskin and shows you can tame the beast but more importantly the band can right some incredible songs.

Next up is a real surprise as we get a cover of Hearts “Barracuda” and the band completely nail that bitch and then we slip seamlessly into “Vessel” and I am thinking for a band with only two albums out they have far too many classics. Every song on the set tonight is powerful and stands head and shoulders above any band in the last decade.

The band are determined to go out in a blaze of glory and make sure you never forget this show as they blast through new single “Endo”, “Voices”, “Little Pills” and finally leave us breathless with “Violation”.

Anyone who knows me are probably fed up with how much I go on about this band but tough shit folks, This is not going to change. I have made it a personal mission to ensure as many people as possible hear this band, because once you have there is no going back.

The stats do not lie…two number one albums back home in New Zealand, Platinum sellers and numerous awards mean this is no flash in the pan. For a band only eight years in the making they have achieved so much in their homeland but with this tour in Europe and continued tours of the UK it is not long till the world domination starts so get on board now people.

Images and words Ritchie Birnie

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