THE TREATMENT are a band that has been around for a few years now and delivered decent rock and roll. They have had their dedicated fans and their detractors, but they ploughed on like true rockers. And now they have a new singer with a new album (their fourth), “Power Crazy” out on 22nd March 2019 on Frontiers Music. How has it worked out?
Absolutely bloody beautifully. That’s how.
The Treatment have delivered an absolute killer of a hard rock album that immediately blows the cobwebs out of your ears, through the room and out the window with no less than twelve incredible tracks.
Blasting off with “Lets Get Dirty” is a pure form hard rock blues number that sets the scene for the rest of the album, as the drums thunder, guitars wail with toe tapping rhythm and Tom Rampton’s vocals scream perfectly in sync. This will blow out any cobwebs you may have.
Next up is “Rising Power” again pure hard rock blues but with a Bon Scott era infused punk attitude that powerhouses through you with joy and a mischievous wink.
Along comes “On The Money”, with a more overt bluesy feeling just chugs along with a sublime rocking rhythm that will have your head nodding as you walk round the house, with maybe even an unconscious kick of the leg in time to it all. A beautiful tight track without a doubt.
A real rocking tune is delivered by THE TREATMENT with “Bite Back”. It has a purity of rhythm that is pure Bon Scott. It is scarily early AC/DC without being a rip-off. This is THE TREATMENT bringing British Hard Rock Blues to the world with fantastic riffs and incredible solos that will have you headbanging your wee heart out. It’s a track that gives you tingles all over. It is a joy to listen to.
Back to a slower and bluesier feel with “Luck Of The Draw”, beautifully delivered. What can you say about this track? Just that its gorgeous and replete with old time rocking blues. The rhythm and the slow emotional wailing of the guitars deliver a thing of beauty.
The next track “Hang Them High” blows you back into a high energy stream of rocking with superb riffage that will have you jumping about the place uncontrollably. Its another storming track of Hard Rock Blues that just cements the feeling that THE TREATMENT is a hard rock band that delivers rock and roll as it should be.
With “Scar With Her Name” comes another hard rock tune tones down the blues a little bit though only to replace it with balls. This is a solid tune that will once again have you headbanging equally round the house, in the car or at a gig.
“King Of The City” once more makes an unmistakable impact that almost feels like a cross between Punk, Hard Rock and 80’s metal. All perfectly mixed together with solid high energy delivery.
Then you get “Waiting For The Call”, a slow blues fest with a swagger that just lays it down. And talking of “Laying It Down” they ramp up the tuneage once more with another high energy upbeat hard rock blues track that will have you grooving out like a lunatic.
Then you get “The Fighting Song” which just feels like it could have been sung like Bon Scott. It has a slight refrain to “Gone Shootin'” and is a fantastic track that encapsulates the gritty dirty hard Rock Blues sound of the early Aussie Hard Rock scene of AC/DC and Rose Tattoo. But with such a 2019 polish to it that it has a modern vibrancy to it. This is a definite sing-a-long song at gigs. It also has a wonderful two fingers up at those who kept writing them off and feels cheekily a bite like its their “Back In Black” moment. This will be their anthem. You’ll love it.
Finally you have “Falling Down” which feels like Rainbow and AC/DC collaborated to produce a hard rock track for everyone to completely rock out to and just go crazy. Its incredibly catchy and full of rhythm, riffs and solos that just pull you joyously along until the end.
“Power Crazy” has to be one, if not THE, Hard Rock Blues albums of the year already. THE TREATMENT have not only set a high bar for themselves for anything else they do now but for everyone else. They have delivered an album utterly full of excellent standalone tracks, twelve to be exact (with a bonus acoustic for physical CDs) and prove they are far from stingy to their fans. Not only that, there is not a single filler song on this album. Yes some are stronger than others, but even the weakest song fully stands on its own two feet.
This is an album THE TREATMENT deliver that will simply silence the detractors, snatch up those who were on the fence, please the fans, and cement them as solid players in the world of Rock and Roll.
THE TREATMENT have landed in 2019 with an explosion of Hard Rock Blues. End of.
If you enjoy your bluesy Hard Rock you have to get “Power Crazy”. This album can not get recommended enough. It’s just that good it will become an absolute staple that others will be compared to.
“Power Crazy” is out on 22nd March 2019 on Frontiers Music. (Buy IT!! No, Really!!)
Review by Ivor Whitten, Happy Metal Geek