Home Gigs Gig Review : Ward Park 3 : Snow Patrol play one of the biggest nights in Northern Ireland music history

Gig Review : Ward Park 3 : Snow Patrol play one of the biggest nights in Northern Ireland music history

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It was a Day that will live long in the memory of all that were there . Snow Patrol put on what will likely be one of the biggest nights in Northern Ireland music history at their Ward Park 3 show – and it sent social media into a spin.

Earlier the crowd had enjoyed quality performances from Foy Vance, Two Door Cinema Club and Ash among others who attended this years 35000 crowd titanic event which is growing bigger each year what will next year bring?

Local boys Ash have a loyal fanbase and that was evident today blitzing through their hits old and new they didn’t disappoint the big stage is where Ash can display their massive sound, what is next for the bangor boys i dont no.

During his set, Bangor musician Foy Vance revealed where he will be playing two nights at the Waterfront later this year. Appearing on stage with his quirky signature ‘tache, he said: “I don’t know if I’m allowed to say. Ah, f*** it. It’s the Waterfront. He engaged the crowd with excitement getting the audience to sing along with his well known songs.

Co Down trio Two Door Cinema Club played music from their new album False Alarm, which is set to be released next month.“This feels awful strange,” said front man Alex Trimble. “Thank you so much to Snow Patrol for having us. As teenagers we came to the first ever Ward Park and it’s a  privilege to play the third one.

Snow Patrol returned to their hometown venue in Bangor after nine years in what Gary described as ‘yet another extra special night and one that will never be forgotten.

The 42-year-old who battled through the set despite having been struck by “an absolute stinking cold” paid tribute to their surprise guests on the night.

He added: “An extra special thank you to the two great artists that joined us on stage Ryan McMullan who has been touring with us all year and played you’re all I have with us so beautifully.

And to our secret special guest Bono, my goodness. To sing One with Bono was like a billion birthdays all rolled into, well, one. I’ll never forget it.”

Whilst performing Take Back The City the crowd were treated to a montage celebrating Northern Ireland culture from rainbow flags, Titanic, Mary Peters, Carl Frampton, Belfast, Derry, Lyra McKee and ending with the iconic picture of John Hume, Bono and David Trimble following the signing of the Good Friday Agreement. This event will stay in the memories of snow patrol fans for a long time.




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