Home News MICHAEL SCHENKER FEST | Band release first single and video ‘Rock Steady

MICHAEL SCHENKER FEST | Band release first single and video ‘Rock Steady

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MICHAEL SCHENKER FEST have completed the recording sessions for their second studio album, Revelation, which is scheduled to be released on September 20th this year worldwide via Nuclear Blast. Today, the band release their first single, ‘Rock Steady’, as well as launching pre-orders for the new album.

Get the song digitally here: http://nblast.de/MSFRockSteady

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ2sqDSpeuU&w=560&h=315]

This song almost did not make it on the album”, says Michael Schenker. “It developed from a ‘maybe’ into a definite, after we swapped things around like an added solo, psychedelic pieces, the lyrics, the slide plus all the other goodies and sprinkles. It turned out to be a party song telling my story, capturing many aspects of music. It was originally a song for guest musicians to be featured on the album, the ones I had in mind were Ronnie Wood and Mick Jagger; it had that kind of feel. Ronnie actually introduced his family to me in my dressing room in Hammersmith back in the 80s and I’ve heard he’s a fan! So, I had asked my son Taro to knock on Ronnie’s door, since they both live in Barcelona, and tell Ronnie to bring Mick with him. The Beatles and the Stones were two of the first bands I got into. I had the pleasure to jam with Paul McCartney on an MSG album. Ronnie and Mick would have closed the cycle, but when Ted passed away we had to focus on other things instead. We ended up scrapping the whole guest idea!

Revelation will be released on a variety of different formats and is ready for pre-order now. It will be available as CD-Digipak, 2LP (different colours) as well as a limited boxset incl. CD-Digipak, 2LP (red+black splatter), puzzle, poster 60×30, photo cards. Get your version here: http://nblast.de/MSFRevelation

Revelation track list (CD-Digipak, 2-LP, Digital)
01. Rock Steady
02. Under A Blood Red Sky
03. Silent Again
04. Sleeping With The Light On
05. The Beast In The Shadows
06. Behind The Smile
07. Crazy Daze
08. Lead You Astray
09. We Are The Voice
10. Headed For The Sun
11. Old Man
12. Still In The Fight
13. Ascension
14. Armed And Ready (live)
15. Bad Boys (live)
16. Rock Bottom (live)


05.07. ES  Barcelona – Barcelona Rock Fest
11.07. D    Balingen – Bang Your Head!!!
12.07. F    Saint-Julien-en-Genevois – Guitare-en-scene

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