It has been ten long years since post grunge/Nu Metal band Puddle of Mudd have had an album but they are back on the rock scene again with Welcome to Galvania brand new material to please old fans and welcome new ones, lead singer Wes Scantlin has had his problems in the past but has now put them behind him and is ready to get his music out there to the masses again.
He is joined by Matt Fuller lead guitar/backing vocals, Michael John Adams bass/backing vocals, and Dave Moreno drums/backing vocals, now signing a deal with Pavement
Entertainment this is their first full album since their 2009 release Vol. 4: Songs in the Key of Love and Hate.
The album starts with You don’t Know the familiar grunge guitar intro and Wes with his Kurt Cobain type growl this is vintage mudd and will delight the old fans and definitely introduce their sound to new followers.
Second track and the new single from the album Uh Oh it dwells on the hard times Wes has been through with the chorus Uh Oh I f#*k~d it up again but to me has a very poppy sum 41 feel to it and is disappointing.
Diseased Almost This is more like it rock n roll mudd style a terrific riff and some great drum work from Dave and wonderful harmonies finally something to head bang too one of the highlights of the album.
My Kind of Crazy A slow ballad with once again that pop feel to it I’m getting the feeling Wes now wants to hit the mainstream audiences and this will certainly do that.
Time of Our Lives A nice grungy ballad this time with Wes’s voice sounding really sweet a really catchy track with some good work from the rhythm section, an anthem for the crowds.
Sunshine another old school Mudd track with a similar vibe to their classic Blurry a clever bridge that alternates between grunge and ballad with a great outro.
Kiss it all Goodbye A real Nirvana feel to this with Wes sounding so like Cobain at times should please any grunge fan.
Slide Away This would make a great single it has the grunge sound so familiar to mudd fans plus that little commercial feel that Wes seems to conjure up so well.
Final track on the album Uh Oh (come clean version) Basically what it says a version of the single obviously produced for the radio listeners. [youtube] So, there you have it the new album, was the ten year wait worth it? to me it’s a mixed bag! there’s lots of old Mudd style songs there but will the newer pop tracks please old school fans or will they say stick to the old style we will have to wait and see.
Welcome to Galvani is released on 13th September.
Review by Dave Martin for Metal Planet Music
Puddle of Mudd online: