Home Gigs Gig Review : Y&T with support from Iconic Eye, The Robin2, Bilston, Friday 1st November 2019

Gig Review : Y&T with support from Iconic Eye, The Robin2, Bilston, Friday 1st November 2019

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I love The Robin, the atmosphere is always great and Y&T plus local band Iconic Eye was guaranteed to raise the roof on a very rainy Friday night.

The room was filling up very nicely as I got there and as there is no pit the front of the stage was already 5 or 6 rows deep before the opening band Iconic Eye took to the stage.

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This is a band who nail their set every time I see them. Greg, Mike, Jon, Neill and frontwoman Jane seem to thrive on performing live. The set opened with ‘You Make It’ then one of their strongest songs for me, ‘Better Place’ both from their second album ‘Into The Light’.

The band are very AOR with a strong melodic presence throughout their songs. Nice riffs, grooving bass lines and plenty of rhythm and Jane Gould’s strong and consistent vocals.

Iconic Eye 15.jpg“Black Heart’ and ‘Those Tears’ also sat snuggly in the setlist and ensured that the fans against the stage had something to get them in the mood for Y&T. An enjoyable set.

As the level of expectation rose so did the number of fans in the room and as Y&T took to the stage the place was rammed. Y&T are such a popular band and celebrating 45years of amazing rock’n’roll.Y&T 29.jpg

The cheers and whistles were deafening as they walked into the stage, each member of the band warmly welcomed and of course the biggest cheer was for Dave Meniketti himself. Launching themselves into ‘Hurricane’ the sound was amazing.

Dropping straight into ‘Lonely Side of Town’, the funky basslines from Aaron disassembling your gut while John and Dave splintered your brain with snarling and soaring riffs and lovely layers of melody and Mike smashed through your ears with his drumming.Y&T 28.jpg

Everyone was singing along, the songs were from across all of their studio albums, some songs they have never played in the UK before, ‘Don’t Stop Runnin’, had the floor moving under the weight of so many people shuffling along before Dave spoke briefly to thank everyone for coming along to help them celebrate 45 years of Y&T.

‘Black Tiger’ with its iconic opening took things up to an even higher level. Tonight’s choice of set is a fans absolute delight. Playing tribute to former sound man Tom Size who passed away a couple of years ago, ‘Come In From The Rain’ was dedicated to him, such a beautiful and emotional song. I don’t think I have heard Dave’s voice sound so strong, just amazing!Y&T 13.jpg

‘Mean Streak’, ‘Midnight in Tokyo’, ‘Face Like An Angel’, it’s a roller coaster of memories evoked by the songs, all of which sound timeless. I won’t detail the entire setlist as for those of you going to see them there are some absolute belters.

Some songs you always expect to hear from the band such as ‘I Believe In You’ and ‘Hang em High’ had the roof of The Robin about lifting off.Y&T 22.jpg

I spent most of the 24 or so songs stood on a bench to try and get a view and it was so worth the nervous wobbling to watch Dave play, he almost becomes one with his guitar, the expressions on his face are almost as iconic as the songs he plays and sings.

The encore saw Dave asking what everyone wanted them to play, ‘Open Fire’ was decided upon as was ‘Dirty Girl’.

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This was Y&T at their best. Such a quality to everything they do and a genuine sense of enjoyment emitting from the stage too. So how do you close out one of the best nights I have had at The Robin? With ‘Forever’ of course, well the place erupted, fists in the air, everyone bouncing along (my viewing position now became way too unstable!) the magic of the music lasted well after the band stopped playing as they came out despite playing for around 2 ½ hours!


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True gentlemen with a real appreciation of their fans. I will always love seeing this band. A remarkable career with so many good songs it must have been tough to pick out what to play but they ticked every box for me. A great night.

Review by Lindsay Smith for metal planet music

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