Home News SEPULTURA | Derrick and Andreas discuss the division of the new album and working with Jens Bogren

SEPULTURA | Derrick and Andreas discuss the division of the new album and working with Jens Bogren

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We are all are shaped by the rules we follow, the laws we obey and the Quadra that we live in: SEPULTURA are set to release a unique vault full of hidden messages and thrashing songs. The band’s new album Quadra will be in stores on February, 7th.
Today, SEPULTURA release an album trailer explaining the division of the album and what it was like working with producer Jens Bogren (Fascination Street Studios). Check out the trailer below.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=winlWGWOqyc&w=560&h=315]
Andreas Kisser on his idea behind the breakdown of the album:
“We wanted to put twelve songs divided into four parts like a vinyl double album – side A, B, C and D. […] It really helped us to build the song order.
Pre-order your copy of Quadra here: nblast.de/Sepultura-Quadra
Pre-save / pre-add the album on Spotify, Apple Music or Deezer: nblast.de/SepulturaPreSave
Quadra will be available as Limited Edition 2 CD Digipack, 2 LP Vinyl, 2 LP Vinyl Picture Disk, Earbook, and CD.
Quadra is SEPULTURA’s fifteenth studio album, which presents a thrilling and brutally honest concept around the Portuguese word quadra. Everyone grows up in a different quadra, shaped by rules and definitions.
We are all determined by these concepts, our relationships, our careers. Our whole lives.
The tracklist reads as follows:
01. Isolation
02. Means To An End
03. Last Time
04. Capital Enslavement
05. Ali
06. Raging Void
07. Guardians Of Earth
08. The Pentagram
09. Autem
10. Quadra
11. Agony Of Defeat
12. Fear; Pain; Suffering
SEPULTURA will be playing at Sunstroke Festival Ireland in summer 2020, alongside the likes of Deftones, Faith No More, Mastodon etc.
13/14th June 2020  IE  Punchestown Racecourse – Sunstoke Festival
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