RavenEye – ‘Animals’
Raging and racing along so fast it’ll tear the skin clean off your face, ‘Animals’ is an utterly uncaged and untamed beast that will bring joy to all fans of brutal but well-crafted hard rock. It crackles with electricity and roars with the power equivalent of any Download headliner, pointing the way to their future. There’s nothing of Oli Brown’s more thoughtful and laid-back blues side here, his vocals and guitar shredding as drummer Adam Breeze and bassist Aaron Spiers add their own super-high-octane rocket fuel to proceedings. This animal is a monster and could well provide the sort of muscular clout to floor Godzilla.
Leecher – One Second Confusion
It takes twisted minds to write a song with such bleak lyrics that are wrapped in an utterly infectious song and it seems as though Leecher are the perfect people to do just that. Not only have they crafted a symphonic/industrial metal song that you’ll be singing for days but have added lashings of cello that bring both menace and drama to the whole. Like seeing a clown wandering around a fairground, you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Leecher are warped genius’s and ‘One Second Confusion’ their finest creation yet. You have been warned.
Reviews by Paul Monkhouse for MPM