Home Albums Album Review : Five Finger Death Punch – F8

Album Review : Five Finger Death Punch – F8

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FFDP a band that never disappoint what will F8 have in store for all loyal fans , Ivan Moody who has fought his demons went to rehab and returned with a clear mind and back to his best, a successful European tour and new fans gained worldwide.
Red Grunge background
All the critics have their opinion about 5FDP and let’s be real here, we don’t give a shit? This heavy performing band from Las Vegas are one of the most successful bands of the last decade, a band that we have grown to love! Everything about their music has a story and reflects what happens in real life something that Ivan brings out in his song writing.
Zoltan Bathory (guitarist) describing ‘F8’ as “the rebirth of 5FDP” what Does F8 have that has not been done before.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwroUDmB6wI&w=560&h=315]

Opening with , track title ‘F8’ which is a light instrumental, then to the build up with the inclusion of violins then it gathers pace to lead into the first single released from the album, ‘Inside Out’. With an instant 5FDP sound, Moody reaches into hearts and minds with his vocals Charlie brings the heavy on drums. guitars and bass are heavy and precise. this is a song i want everyone to hear.
‘Full Circle’ is the second single released from F8 and what a cracking tune it is. solid drums and symbols from the get go. Ivan screams This is not a test, this is not a test showing his ability with the slow, fast and clean vocals.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09DLBQy_bF4&w=560&h=315]

There’s a heavy sound throughout and the guitar solos are heavy and have that familiar FFDP sound ‘Living The Dream’ what message does this song deliver ?  it proves that not even Superheroes or governments can save us. From what? Ourselves, the judgment of others?  I guess it depends whose dream (or nightmare) you’re living.  Despite the great music; the lyrics were the selling point of this track, for me.
Taking the tempo down with the semi-acoustic ‘A Little Bit Off’; to be honest a little soft for FFDP it reminded me of foreigner,  ‘Bottom of the Top’ brings back the heavy sound, with drums sounding like a gun shot. It’s angry, it’s aggressive, it’s Five Finger Death Punch.
‘Mother May I (Tic Toc)’, ‘This is War’ and ‘Scar Tissue’ deliver the goods with their frantic tempo elements and change in pace. Nothing but brutal from these tracks I was hoping to have a bit more of this on the album.
Making Monsters’ actually had me on top of the table dancing, or something that resembles the description. screaming guitars, hard hitting drums and an energy that had me bouncing I want more.
Stand out album track ‘Brighter Side of Grey’, wasn’t even one of the heavier songs, though it packed a sucker punch with its fine lyrics and depth.
No matter what FFDP write about this record  will touch a lot of loyal fans ,we often want the old FFDP back with their solid onslaught of metal but to be honest this album will keep all  fans happy.
Five Finger Death Punch – F8 track listing
1. F8
2. Inside Out
3. Full Circle
4. Living The Dream
5. A Little Bit off
6. Bottom Of The Top
7. To Be Alone
8. Mother May I (Tic Toc)
9. Darkness Settles In
10. This Is War
11. Leave It All behind
12. Scar Tissue
13. Brighter Side of Grey
14. Making Monsters
15. Death Punch Therapy
16. Inside Out (Radio Edit)
Review by Wayne Stewart.
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