Haxan – ‘Skeletons’
Welsh three-piece Haxan were one of the main highlights of the festival circuit last year and with the release of new single ‘Skeletons’ it looks like it won’t be long before they are playing to packed houses nationwide.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4s5Ju-x_nNc&w=560&h=315]
An urgent sugar rush of a song, it wraps up the grit of Girlschool with The Runaways glitz and is rammed full of delicious harmonies that blindside you to its hefty punch. Clocking in just shy of six minutes it’s certainly a longer workout than a usual single but, such is the enthusiasm and great songwriting, it never outstays it’s welcome. More addictive with every listen, it bodes very well for the band’s forthcoming debut album and marks Haxan out as one of the rising stars of the UK scene.
Hedra – ‘Broken Bones’
Hedra are fighters. In a series of events that would have finished lesser bands, these East Anglian warriors have come out bruised but more determined than ever and ‘Broken Bones’ was born from this crucible of fire. The most melodic thing they have released, this still has a huge and crushing heaviness that perfectly balances their desire for wanton destruction by sonic power and a real depth of humanity that speaks to the heart and head. No messing around, no pretense, Hedra are one of most honest and visceral bands arounds. Brace for impact.
Theia – ‘Eyes Like Fire’
With their second tour in as many years supporting rock legends Magnum looming, there’s never been a better time to get to know Theia and ‘Eyes Like Fire’ is the perfect introduction. Penned by Magnum main man Tony Clarkin, the song is a hook filled celebration of great songwriting matched with an up and coming band who share an ear for superb melodies that rock. Given its 70’s/80’s vibe yet done with a very modern touch, the song is a perfect singalong, heavy rock that’s tough and rough but with a heart of pure gold. Marvelous!
Koburg – ‘The Ego Has Landed’
Not just content with starting 2020 by producing one of the best symphonic metal albums for the past decade or so, Koburg now releases this on the world and it’s absolutely huge. Talons glisten, sneers abound and utter domination are the order of the day here.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1idqp7Hi84s&w=560&h=315]
With a performance that rivals Lzzy Hale at her most sensual and powerful, this absolute beast of a track caresses and then eviscerates, its infectious chorus impossible to get away from as it snags your soul and tears any resistance from your screaming, but willing, body. Prepare to meet your new boss.
The Boston Shakers – ‘Tribal’
Catching the spirit of some of the best modern rock music, The Boston Shakers have created an anthem for everyone, not just the disaffected youth. It swaggers, it twitches, it rolls, it rocks.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjSlSuyQbA&w=560&h=315]
Catching the zeitgeist, this should be blasting out from the tenements, terraces, arenas and festivals, a call to arms that needs to be heard. The rock ‘n’ roll revolution is here and it starts right now.
Feral Sun – Blame
London’s finest alt hard rockers are back and what a return. After a major line-up change the four piece sound bigger and fresher than ever, the instant chemistry between them paying off in spectacular style. The guitars are heavy, the vocals keening and the songwriting razor sharp, propelling Feral Sun into a league where they can compete with Alter Bridge or any of their Trans–Atlantic cousins. With its majestic fretwork and swelling form, it builds and builds into an all-out declaration that they are most certainly here to stay and are ready to take on all comers. Muscular and melodic, this is all you could ever wish for and more.
Reviews by Paul Monkhouse for MPM