After nearly 30 years VIRUS are back, and the thrash metal band bring you brand new music a brand new album Evilution Apocalypse.
First album in over 30years…although the band have had many lineup changes…Coke has brought together a bunch of dedicated thrashers to give you a brutal excursion down thrash alley…with guest appearances from ex Carcass axe man Carlo Redagas & vocalist Thom Hazeart of Ellefson band & CEO of Combat Records…many many hours loss of sleep & tragedy in band members families have brought this album together under extremely difficult circumstances
We have touched on serious issues, brought the fun back into thrash & the raw brutality of what the 80’s were…’s been well worth the wait
Virus: formed in 1986 from remnants of the then, defunked punk band “Criminal damage” I joined in 87…their demo was shite which became the first album, Prey for War (86) I wrote Force Recon in 1988, & we joined Combat records in the USA… & I wrote Lunacy in 1989, during this period we toured with Death Angel, Kreator, Celtic Frost, CroMags, gigged with many, Megadeth, Suicdal Tendencies, Overkill, LAAZ Rockit, Nuclear Assault, Discharge Anihilated…had many bands support our shows back in the 80’s including Sabbat, Acid Reign, Lawnmower Deth, Sacriledge BC, Nalpalm Death, Carcass, Cerebral Fix…to many to mention
I revived the band in 2008…asked the original members to join me..the declined.
Found fresh blood..young talent with the fire & passion in their hearts & started touring & gigging again notably playing again with Suicidal Tendencies & Evile…we played Hammerfest twice, the second time was main support on the 2nd stage to 10 Foot Wizard,we played Exit Fest in Serbia in 2104 to Nuclear Assault & done two European tours…one in 2014 the other in 2018 with Sahon (S.Korea)& Hateful Agony(Germany) back in the 80’s we were labelled as the bad boys of thrash metal…something Iv tried to banish from the minds of our fans for years…our aggression these days is strictly restricted to the music.
2011 we recorded an ep our first release in nearly 30 years…” raped by mutants” in 2014 we recorded another e.p A “New strain of an old disease” 2017 we resigned to Combat records & in 2019 we recorded or first album in over 30 years entitled Evilution Apocalypse it will be out mid 2020 🤘🏴🤘
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