Home Albums Album Review : Ryders Creed – Lost Souls

Album Review : Ryders Creed – Lost Souls

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Ryders Creed are a Midlands based 4 piece band, who formed from the ashes of Black Rose Cadillac in May 2017, released their eponymous debut album in June 2018 and can boast of appearances at Rockwich, Steelhouse Live, Ramblin’ Man Fair, Winter’s End, Redemption Fest, SOS Festiva &, Rockin’ The BowlNot bad for starters. 

 So 2020 rolls around, the world is hit by Corona Virus and we need something to cheer us up as we are confronted with everyday life disrupted and worse than that, gigs cancelled left, right and centre. The good news is Ryders Creed are releasing their second album – ‘Lost Souls’ – and it’s an absolute belter!  

 From the outset of the album and opening track ‘Memories’, you know you’re in for something special with big riffs, grinding guitars and a catchy melody all there in bucketfuls alongside Ryan Antony’s vocals. It’s all brought together superbly and sets you up for the rest of the album. Next up is ‘Unleashed’ which is a headbangers delight, with a pounding beat throughout as the band crank it up so the track lives up to it’s name and I can see it becoming a staple part of the future live show.  

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuh0o3ZxLBc&w=560&h=315]

Lost Soul’ was the lead single from the album, which starts out slow, ebbing and flowing throughout to allow us to enjoy Antony’s vocals performance, which really adds to the whole atmosphere during the quieter moments in the track before the band come in and rock the foundations. This received good airplay on Planet Rock and it’s easy to see why it’s got a little bit of everything and when the sum of the parts is all put together, you’ve got a superb track.  

 This is followed by ‘New Beginnings’a simple short guitar track that allows the listener to consider what they have previously heard. It’s about what has been, what is now and what’s to come in the future and how all obstacles can be overcome. In a nutshell this is the story of Ryders Creed, their music and the journey they are on.

What’s been, has been superb and if I was a betting man, I would put money on an even better future as this is a band that have grabbed my attention with a barnstorming album that bands who have been around a lot longer would be proud of. 


The slow burning ‘Believer’ is next up with a slow guitar intro, leading us into Ryan Antony’s intense vocal, the whole band coming in to build to an all out crescendo, then all the way back down again. Despite this track being in excess of 6 minutes long, I couldn’t get enough of it and had it playing on loop for a while, before realising that despite my desire to just stop the world with this tune in my head, I needed to move on.  

We pick up the tempo for ‘Feel the Fear’ as we cross the halfway mark of the album and are treated to a soaring guitar intro with a heavier sound and a catchy melody, backed by the solid rhythm section of Clark & Gilbert and then ‘Chasing Dreams’  where you can hear some of the bands influences coming through; Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Black Stone Cherry, blues and classic rock, but these boys are no one’s poor imitation as this is a band that are very much themselves.  


 Meant To Be’ is soon grinding from the speaker and we are into the next slab of hard rock, which is so well constructed as it moves seamlessly between a softer tone and heavy guitars with a thumping beat whilst all the while being overlaid with Anthony’s impressive pipes. 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArkNBHqJgN8&w=560&h=315]

The second single ‘Cut Me Down’ allows Miles Cooper to get front and centre and show us what he can do with the guitar, although by this stage I had a pretty good idea and this is a storming heavy track where every one of the band ratchet it up 

The harder sound is continued into Hand In Hand With The Devil’ which just makes me want to get out and see these boys live again. I saw them at the Ramblin’ Man Festival in Kent last summer and they impressed then so with this new material, I have got to see them again soon.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDs_hEEUEE0&w=560&h=315]

The track bounds along setting you up perfectly for the final track and third single, ‘Money’, which is all about how we all want it and will do almost anything to get it.  It’s a belter of a track to finish an album on, as you can sense every member of the band straining to get every last ounce of power out there and this should see the band enjoy more exposure and radio play which will only add to their burgeoning reputation.  

 Lost Souls’ is a triumph and an early contender for album of the year, with 11 tracks which have been well written, constructed and executed by a band who are at the top of their game. 

It simply oozes quality from start to finish and if you need something to take your mind off the state of the world, just put this on the player and all will be well. 

 Lost Souls is released on 8th May 2020 

 Album track list:  

Album track list:
Lost Soul
New Beginnings
Feel The Fear
Chasing Dreams
Meant To Be
Cut Me Down
Hand In Hand With The Devil

Ryders Creed are:
Ryan Antony – Lead Vocals
Lee Gilbert – Drums
Myles Cooper – Guitar & Vocals
Richard Clark – Bass

 Reviewed by : Howard Whitelaw for MPM 

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