Dark times sometimes give birth to the most beautiful music and Vaccine7 are proof of this. Don’t get the wrong impression, this is no ethereal whisper in a sunlit meadow but more a Gothically dark silent scream in the middle of the night, the emotion raw and real.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1wUfON-uP4&w=560&h=315]
From Marie Purcell’s bewitching vocals through to Phil Griffith’s coruscating guitar and the teeth rattling rhythm section ‘Poison’ starts quietly and then slowly starts stripping away the veneer of civility, layer by layer.
Finesse and wonder walk happily hand in hand with brutality, marking the very individual voice of Vaccine7 one to most definitely listen to. Black hearts from the Black Country.
Review by Paul Monkhouse for MPM