Home News CRYSTAL LAKE release two-track EP ‘Watch Me Burn’

CRYSTAL LAKE release two-track EP ‘Watch Me Burn’

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Crystal Lake, have released a two-track EP, Watch Me Burn, via SharpTone Records. Purchase/stream the hard-hitting tracks, “Watch Me Burn” and “Disobey”,below.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmUEwyRCJ9I&w=560&h=315]

Watch Me Burn follows-up the band’s latest full-length album, Helix, released via SharpTone Records in 2018. Upon its release, the album reached #8 on the Billboard HeatSeeker chart, #14 on the Hard Music chart, #22 on the Indie Label chart and #26 on the Rock chart.

In support, the band embarked on their first-ever US tour in January-March 2019 with August Burns Red and a second US tour in August-September 2019 with Northlane. The band later headlined the Never Say Die tour across Europe in November-December 2019.

Crystal Lake have played major festivals across Europe such as Download FestivalResurrection FestivalNova RockFull Force and Brutal Assault. Moreover, in 2018 and 2019 Crystal Lake organized their very own festival in Tokyo called the True North Festival, which featured fifteen guest bands including Fit For A King and Coldrain.

Crystal Lake’s third US tour with Fit For A King kicked off in February 2020, however the remaining dates were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 2021 will include rescheduled arena shows across Europe and the UK with Parkway Drive. For dates and updates, please visit: http://crystallake.jp/.


Special Guests: 

30.03.21 Austria Vienna, Stadthalle
01.04.21 Germany Leipzig, Messe
03.04.21 Luxembourg Esch-sur-Alzette, Rockhal 
05.04.21 Germany Frankfurt, Festhalle
06.04.21 Belgium Brussels, Forest National
07.04.21 France Paris, Zenith
09.04.21 Germany Dortmund, Westfalenhalle
10.04.21 Germany Hamburg, Sporthalle
11.04.21 Germany Berlin, Velodrom
12.04.21 Czech Rep Prague, Forum Karli
14.04.21 Switzerland Zürich, Halle 622
15.04.21 Germany München, Olympiahalle
18.04.21 UK London, The SSE Arena Wembley

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