Review by Paul Monkhouse for MPM
They say that there’s nothing new in rock ‘n’ roll and whilst that may be true, there’s still bands like Deadwing around who bring something fresh into the mix.
Swathed in an atmosphere you could cut with a knife, this is grandiose, but certainly not overblown, Goth influenced rock that brings its otherworldly power into laser sharp focus.
From its gentle start, the track builds into something darkly haunting that will draw you in with its siren call. Ellie Peberdy’s vocals are extraordinary and emotive, perfectly accompanied by the scorching fretwork of Dragos Colceriu and all this combines to a potent brew.
So uniquely beautiful you’re never quite sure if your standing at the edge of dusk or around the corner of dawn, but one thing is for sure is that with one listen to this and you’ll want to live in their world.
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