‘PARTY PEOPLE’ the new single from Black Star Jackals reminds me of the band I loved growing up in the 90s and I really enjoy being transported back as I listened.
The Glasgow based troop obviously know what their sound is a balanced mixture of dirty rock and melodic parts that come together in harmony.
Lyrically I kind of like when its not too obvious this is well written; the instrumentals are faultless too and I love the airy guitar tones.
Overall, it’s a good track and I want to check out more of their stuff, my only complaint would be there something in the vocal production that is putting me off balance and I know why, maybe its slightly to loud in the mix for me and I’m losing the musical dynamic in parts BUT as I said it’s a track well worth checking out!
Music video for Party People performed by Black Star Jackals. Copyright 2021. https://soundcloud.com/blackstarjackals https://www.instagram.com/blackstarja… https://www.facebook.com/blackstarjac… https://twitter.com/blackstarjackal https://www.blackstarjackals.com/