Home News Morning Trips have unleashed this, their newest single, “Assault

Morning Trips have unleashed this, their newest single, “Assault

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Like a pulsating punk-rock riot in audible form, Florida-based genre-bending alt-pop rockers Morning Trips have unleashed this, their newest single, “Assault” — available now!

Brash, unapologetic, and as catchy as a Velcro™ shoe in a vat of glue, this very smart, very loud track centers around being a young person in America in 2021. In “Assault,” Morning Trips waste zero time expressing their feelings on subjects heavy on their heart since their formation in 2017.

Deftly demonstrating the band’s dynamic range, “Assault” follows the Morning Trips’ most recent offering, “My Parade” — a churning, dreamy, whirlwind of a pop song complete with operatic and shoegaze influences. They worked with producer and engineer Jeremey SH Griffith to conceptualize chilling visuals that serve as reminders for how quickly unjust policies discriminate against everyday people.

Together for four years now, the American-based four-piece’s expansive sound has been described as by the Northwest Florida Daily News as “influenced by a gumbo of dream pop, shoegaze, R&B, and ‘80s music,” with founding punk-era nostalgia and saccharine synth mixed in for good measure.

The blend of comforting yet pulsating feelings ripple and resonate further with each riff; Morning Trips aim to be for all collections of people as they morph through soundscapes with their diverse approach to creating.

“We want to create a world with the same mentality of how we want to exist in the real world,” songwriter and band founder Brady Lynch shares. “We want to create open, progressive, and diverse music for people from all walks of life to find something of solace in.”

So far, their discography walks the talk; each track indeed serves as its own singular, stand-out ingredient, while landing as decidedly cohesive and complementary alongside counterparts in the stewpot. From dreamy R&B to electronic-influenced punk to bubbly synth-pop, 2020 singles “Follow the Blind,” “Saudade,” and “Di / Hi” followed earlier 2019 offerings of “Baby,” “Disobedience,” and 2018’s breakout debut, “Blue.”

“I was initially inspired by an almost naive approach to writing music on a laptop, if I’m honest,” Lynch recalls, citing early iterations created with an impaired Macbook Pro and Ableton Live. “I started producing demos intended for a ‘traditional’ band sound in hopes to find members to round out a lineup.”

It worked; soon he was joined by Logan Clinkingbeard, James Amos, and Noah Townsend.“Turns out, those early laptop demos eventually paved the way to become the first Morning Trips tunes,” Lynch adds.

Morning Trips have seen a series of state-wide tours to the tune of 50+ shows, and nods from media far and wide, including but not limited to the UK’s Pastel Wasteland, South Africa’s Janglepophub, and America’s American Pancake, AAA Backstage.

“Assault” is available now.

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