Home News Neptune Rain release cinematic music video for ‘We Breathe The Same

Neptune Rain release cinematic music video for ‘We Breathe The Same

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Hot on the heels of the success of ‘We Breathe The Same’, Cheltenham based Alt/Rock band Neptune Rain have unleashed this incredible mini movie for the track.

Produced by award winning film-maker Takoda Shane and featuring Parkour Athlete and Freerunner Phoenix Zito the video depicts perfectly the message of unity that runs through the song.

‘We Breathe the Same’ serves to act as a reminder that as humans, we have more commonalities than we do differences. It further poses the question of whether we could start again, forget our animosities, and unite under the cause of a fairer and kinder world, because ultimately we all bleed the same, breed the same and breathe the same.”

It is a really great video, any shares on socials much appreciated and thanks for all the support thus far for the guys.

[Socials] Website: https://www.weareneptunerain.com​

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weareneptune…

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/neptune_rain​

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