Home Singles Single Review : British Lion ‘Land of the Perfect People’

Single Review : British Lion ‘Land of the Perfect People’

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By Fiona Duignan for MPM

The world of rock n’ roll is more than familiar with the bass rock God, Steve Harris of Iron Maiden, the love of my life for over 30 years. For those of you living under a rock, Harris has a side project in the form of heavy rock band, ‘British Lion’, since 2012.

Taken from their 2020 album, ‘The Burning’, the band have just dropped the video for the track, ‘Land of the Perfect People.

The title gives you advance notice of what the song is about. Written by the singer, Richard Taylor, he says the song is about his personal childhood experience of abandonment and being brought up in a children’s home. It’s emotional; it’s personal and it gives insight to what it’s like to be a child growing up in a system, surrounded by bullies.

All of this emotion is ploughed into the track from the very beginning and that’s what gives it unquestionable brilliance. Richard takes on the persona of a lion, displaying his power through his vocals. Every time the sticks hit the drums, the slap of the bass and the complex riffs, they band are sticking it to the bullies everywhere – a proper ‘f..k you’ to everyone who made their friend’s life miserable.

The young man in this video knows how to portray loneliness and it will pull on the heartstrings, particularly as we know it’s about the man singing his heart out. You need to watch the video because it shows you why Richard’s story had to be told and how music is as cathartic for him as it is for those who had similar experiences.

Make no mistake Richard; you DO belong around here – you definitely do.

Available in Limited Edition vinyl, CD Digipak or Digital Download at www.britishlionuk.com/store

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