Hailed by Rolling Stone as an “LP-ending ode to joy,” Foo Fighters’ “Love Dies Young” is now both the epic finale of Medicine at Midnight and the album’s newest single.
But wait there’s more… “Love Dies Young” makes an additional splash as the latest Foo Fighters’ video—one that definitely takes writer/director Dave Grohl and the FF team into uncharted waters, but don’t worry — America’s favourite coach Jason Sudeikis is on hand to make sure things go swimmingly.
The “Love Dies Young” video premiered on MTV Live, MTVU and across MTV’s global network of channels, as well as on the ViacomCBS Times Square billboard.
Dive in here http://foofighters.co/LDYVideo
Listen to Love Dies Young here http://foofighters.co/LDY
And don’t forget to tune in to see Foo Fighters inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame when HBO airs the ceremony November 20. For further information, go to https://www.hbo.com/specials/rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame