Home News damn!escape – release banging new song ,Winner

damn!escape – release banging new song ,Winner

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Power up your life with damn!escape: Energetic kickass rock that makes every adrenaline injection superfluous.

No matter how down you are – damn!escape give you the necessary amount of rock to look forward and go forward! Peppered with thunderous drums and screeching guitar solos, their songs clearly rely on energy and a powerful live show.

With the release of their EP “Bad Treatment”, which was produced entirely in-house, damn!escape were already able to convince all along the line and consolidate their name in the rock underground scene.

“Bad Treatment has a stable dose of dirt in the grooves, but does not neglect the songwriting, takes time for emotions and quieter moments without missing out on momentum and is audibly created with love for the cause.”

– Rock Garage –

The band addresses the “Fuck-Off-Let’s-Party” mentality in their songs. Don’t put up with everything, sometimes resist but above all have a good time and recharge your batteries – that’s what damn!escape is all about. Even in songs that have disappointment and heartbreak as their theme, damn!escape spread confidence, optimism, love and a sense of community.

Whether on stage, from the box or in the social media: The guys from damn!escape stand for the epic energy exchange between band and audience and attach importance to approachability and humor in our sometimes very distant world.

With their EP released in 2021, damn!escape pull up the adrenaline injection again – a must-hear for every fan of handmade rock music, which gives everyone the necessary kick in the butt to break the chains of everyday life and unleash pure life friends.

Or to put it in the words of RockAntenne Hamburg:

“For a good portion of ass-kicking classic skirt you don’t have to travel to the eighties: damn!escape […] put us directly in smoky biker bars.”

“DAMN! ESCAPE must be seen live! The mood, the intention of the band, the feeling of the songs – all this reflects live moments that you want to experience with them.”

– Rockaholic Magazine –

Cover your daily adrenaline needs – listen to damn!escape!

Connect with damn!escape:

Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/damnescape

Like damn!escape on Facebook: http://facebook.com/damnescape

Follow damn!escape on Instagram: http://instagram.com/damn.escape

Listen to damn!escape on Spotify: https://spotify.damn-escape.de

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