Home Gigs Gig Review – Pale Waves & Support Just Wondering , The Limelight Belfast

Gig Review – Pale Waves & Support Just Wondering , The Limelight Belfast

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Review by Mark Mc Grogan

So it’s on it’s off, its on again and here we are, the man from Delmonte he say YES to Pale Waves returning back to Belfast t honour their previously cancelled date due to vocalist Heather coming down icky-bad on the previous arrange date.

That behind us we are once again at The Limelight Belfast for what should be a serious night craic and good music from one of the UK’s hottest acts right now PALE WAVES. Sadly due to rescheduling Hot Milk are not here tonight but instead we have Dublin band Just Wondering stepping in to take up the spot.

Pale Waves have indeed been making their own waves for the last few years having dropped their debut EP All The Things I Never Said in Feb 2018, followed by their debut studio album My Mind Makes Noises in Sept 2018 via Dirty Hit.

The guys took to their early success like ducks to water supporting The 1975 on their US tour in and the rest really s history. Pulling their influences from everything from 80’s Pop and beyond they really have found a unique voice of their own in the Indie-Pop-Rock scene.

Returning on 2021 with Who Am I? It was once again time to pick up where they had left off pre-pandemic we find them closing off the “Shit Show Tour” as labelled by Han See of Hot Milk when we recently spoke to them joking about trying to navigate operating as a band once again in this post pandemic new world with both Jim from Hot Milk experiencing vocals issues and Heather from Pale Waves on the same tour! But the guys have been able to keep it together and brilliantly returned to honour their Belfast date so fair play kids, welcome back!

Now to the music, so the Dubbers are up first and right from when the lights drop you know you’re in for something totally different here.

Two interchanging vocalists with their guitarist adding another layer on top keeps the audience in their toes as they flip/flop from one to the next as their synth-pop sound flows out over the crowd.

The guys as previously stated have stepped up to the plate and will No doubt turn more than a few heads this evening with their highly polished and produced sound, the fours guy are clearly living their craft as you can see the joy bursting from the stage, they obviously love what they do and that in itself is a highly addictive quality when engaging with a new band.

So a lengthy interval means the crowd are ready for tonight’s main act, the glorious return of Pale Waves and as the lights drop and the band members enter stage right it’s clear all is forgiven.

By the time the chorus kicks in for the sets opening number the party has well and truly started! Pale Waves Alt-Rock-Indie-Pop is a highly addictive collection of song along tracks that has the crowd on their feet dancing their little hearts away.

Heather commands the stage as she covers every inch engaging with her devoted fans up close and personal all whilst the stellar back line keep things ticking along nicely with a monstrous sounding anthemic stadium pleasers.

Interchanging vocals with the crowd as they sing back to her in command – Belfast is very glad to have Pale Waves here and Pale waves seeem to be relishing the opportunity as the packed out Limelight Belfast shakes to its core.

A killer performance from a killer band, it’s clear why these guys have garnered such a reputation and it was a total pleasure spending an evening in their company.

Come back soon kid

Photography by Darren McVeigh for MPM

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