Home Singles Single Review : Bleed From Within – Levitate

Single Review : Bleed From Within – Levitate

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Review by Tammy Lomax for MPM

Following up from their 2020 album ‘Fracture’, Scottish group Bleed From Within have announced their new and upcoming album ‘Shrine’, due for release on the 3rd of June via Nuclear Blast.

‘Shrine’ is a representation of everything the quintet have gone through and where they are today. A testament and a celebration of their resilience and a dedication to their craft.

Self-produced with help from Adam ‘Nolly’ Getgood and Sebastian Sendon and with artwork created by David Provan and the layout by Simon Atkinson, it was also recorded at Real World Studios in the UK.

‘I Am Damnation’ was the first single released from ‘Shrine’ in November last year. As another tasty treat to lure you in, they have released a new music video for the second new single ‘Levitate’.

The video is very cool, and the track does offer an emotional, elevating wallop. The atmosphere feels ambient as it opens but it’s not long before you are catapulted towards the direction of aggressiveness.

There is a huge surge of energy and fueled emotion as the lyrics take effect, embedding themselves in your consciousness. The melodic elements from the keyboards are floating along like a cloud, sitting nicely in the middle of the music, underneath though, is a robust force to be reckoned with.

There is a huge variety coming from both guitarists, the rhythms and riffage are just bouncing off each other and are very complimenting, the tech solos and shredding especially. The guitars meet the nicely paced, loud battering drums which ultimately results in dirty nasty breakdown on occasion.

Lovely, jubbly. The vocals are consistent and hold some versatility, ranging from long stretches and vein bursting to a clean chorus that bobs in and out, feeling almighty and very meaningful.

Bleed From Within has been fueled by society’s darkest moments, the lies, the inequality, the violence. ‘Shrine’ is an outlet for the anger they feel and their greatest accomplishment so far. I cannot wait for this release and ‘Levitate’ is another solid promise of the delights to come.

Bleed From Within are:
Scott Kennedy – Vocals
Craig Gowans – Guitar
Steven Jones – Guitar
David Provan – Bass
Ali Richardson – Drums

Pre-order / Listen now: https://bfan.link/BleedFromWithin-lev…


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bleedfromwit…

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bleedfromwi…

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BleedFromWithin

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BleedFro…

Website: https://www.bleedfromwithin.com/

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