Home Albums Album Review : Silver Dust – ‘Lullabies’

Album Review : Silver Dust – ‘Lullabies’

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Review by Monty Sewell for MPM

On the 29th April Silver Dust release their fourth studio album, ‘Lullabies’. Eccentric frontman and Silver Dust proprietor Lord Campbell whips his band of merry Victorian-clad men into action on this new, decorative record.

Four years since their last release and a fair few world tours with fellow visual rockers Lordi – amongst a few – later, the band return to set a similar tone as before with a few twists.

Silver Dust opens ‘Lullabies’ as I’d hope they would the touring show: with an orchestral overture – ‘The Pact’ – that draws you into their world of hard riffing absurdities. A nice, haunting echo of Lord Campbells metal scream features in the back affects.

Fans of Silver Dust will already be well aware of the groups tendency to not have tendencies. A slight genre change here and there between tracks is normal, let alone within them.

And so whilst we follow ‘Lullabies’ introduction with 80s gothic force field ‘Emeline’, it quickly switches to the electronically inspired ‘Follow me’ before changing direction again to a 2010’s dance feel for ‘Eternite’. However, the general finish is the same with the instrumentals remaining slick in their metal rock roots.

‘Stand By Me’ opens dripping with Silver Dust ballad revival. An abundance of vocal overlay, some very nice drum work by Magma and that clean piano a consistent forerunner, the band have always been very clear with their intentions when arranging their emotive numbers.

‘I’ll Risk It’ creeps in with a devious synth snarl but the real star here is Campbell and his death growls. One for the double kick drum loving metal heads.

Another balled, ‘There’s A Place Where I Can Go’. with some great guitar work from Neiros and we’re back into the wonderfully weird with ‘Animal Swing’ and ‘Burlesque’. Silver Dust always lay their best hat down on these kind of tracks and it’s what makes the guys so unique. A few more of these wouldn’t go amiss.

The album finishes on ‘Echoes of History’ and a chamber choir galore classical version of ‘Forever’, a track that featured on their 2018 concept Album, ‘House 21’.

It’s a good, stark record with some glorious moments that are the absolute archetype of everything Silver Dust is.

Comparatively it’ll be well received against its predecessor but those who favour their sophomore release ‘The Age of Decadence’ may be thirsty for more of that idiosyncratic mastery that they do so well.

As stated by Lord Campbell, a Silver Dust album is to be ‘like watching a movie or listening to an original soundtrack’.

He is certainly right and will continue to gain respect for the journey Silver Dust promises and the surprises thrown in along the way.

Follow Silver Dust: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SilverDustOn…

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/silverdust_…

Website: https://www.silver-dust.net

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2odz2…

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