Review by Paul Monkhouse for MPM
From the epic nature of the last single ‘Zeit’, to this new utterly unhinged outing, you never get anything less than thrilling by the German pioneers of their own eccentric Industrial metal.
Featuring their trademark heavy duty riffing and some sparkling keys by Flake, this ode to plastic surgery is packed full of the tongue in cheek humour so beloved by the sextet.
Accompanied by an equally funny and unsettling video that has to be seen to be believed, ‘Zick Zack’ shows the band pushing the envelope once again, the layered power and building breaks all perfectly placed with utter precision.

It rocks, it swings, it shimmers with a patina of off-kilter pop glam but most of all, it absolutely crushes. Oft imitated, never bettered, Rammstein will never stop surprising us and that’s why we love them.
Stream & pre-order “Zick Zack”:
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