Home Albums Album Review: *Wolf Moon – ‘How Do You See Yourself’*

Album Review: *Wolf Moon – ‘How Do You See Yourself’*

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Review by Paul Monkhouse for MPM

The very best music is timeless, plucking that intangible and elusive quality from the ether and somehow imbuing every note of its being.

From Beethoven to The Beatles and beyond, such work has touched our souls and brightened our lives, distilling some primal essence that speaks to our very souls. With ‘How Do You See Yourself’ Wolf Moon make their bid to join this elite group and it’s sure to make its mark in the hearts of many.

The oft mentioned comparisons with acts like Fleetwood Mac aren’t too far off the mark, Wolf Moon certainly have the gloriously sunny West Coast feel in a lot of what they do and the song writing and performances sparkle with a rare brightness that few seem to capture.

There’s a lot more layers to them though in addition to this, their ability to shine new light through some old windows brings something at once warmly familiar yet fresh, the band dipping their toes into a whole record collection of influences twisting them to make their sound unique.

Built around the duo of guitarist / vocalist Jimmy Owen and vocalist Kelly Lethbridge, the band have been making quite a name for themselves and there is a class and quality here that’s built to last.

The leisurely and lush ‘Variations on a Feeling’ is our first step into their world, the tasty blues fretwork of Owen adding highlights to the cool whole and the ‘Big Love’ style hooks of the utterly irresistible ‘Tell Me
What I Don’t Know’ is perfect pop rock seduction with a dark heart.

The take on the Buckingham/Nicks composition ‘Frozen Love’ is a fine one, its epic structure given a fresh coat of paint whilst not trying to reinvent the wheel and the stuttering 70’s West Coast rock of ‘Give My Heart’ would be that perfect soundtrack for a drive down the Californian Coast from San Francisco to L.A..

There’s more joyful summery vibes in the rolling ‘Love in the Sun’, the production adding the right amount of grit to the polish, the effect smooth but far from anodyne and Steely Dan and The Eagles get a tip of the hat in ‘Just to Hear it Back’, a subtle injection of Seventies soul adding to the rich palette of hues.

More of the prime Mac feel is felt during ‘Hold On’ as it casts its spell over the honeyed and characterful tones of Lethbridge work magic as Owen provides some quicksilver playing. Mixing things up a little, ‘Colours I Dream In’ has an intoxicating blend of pastoral whimsy and rock, the touching ‘Smiled At By You’ through splashes of jazz and folk into the gently muscular pot.

Rocker ‘Very Best Version of Me’ closes, beautiful harmonies, soul and a touch of modern Americana brought together in a singular home brewed blend.

There’s obviously a lot of care and attention gone into every aspect here, the sheen that’s evident never covering up the very human heart and emotions that are at the core of all Wolf Moon do.

In addition, special mention must go to Alicia Raitt’s beautiful cover artwork, the vibrancy and style something that complements the music perfectly and is worth buying the vinyl for alone. Overall, ‘How Do You See Yourself’ is a work of fantastically crafted, intelligent adult rock. Now, whether it reaches true musical immortality, only time will tell.

Love in the Sun – WOLF MOON [Official Music Video] For the New Single which is OUT NOW on all platforms below

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/6sUQsH…

Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/gb/album/love…

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wolfmoonuk/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/wolfmoonband

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wolfmoonuk

Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/music/player…

Official website: https://www.wolfmoonband.co.uk/

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