Review by Richard Henry for MPM
Where has the time gone, I saw these guys on their first ever show outside the USA when they played in Belfast, back when they had no albums out and it was an entire Dio setlist, and already we are on album number three, coming on the back of Two and Heavy Crown comes the new album Jericho, so let’s get stuck in and see what this one is all about!
Track 1 – Not Today Satan
Kicking off with a slow dragging drum groove, modern sounding production but still has an old school vibe to the weight of the drums, it’s not the kind of riff you expect from a first track, and it’s really sort of upbeat and dare I say happy sounding, great vocals from Andrew.
About a minute and a half in comes a weighty guitar riff and a bit more aggression in the vocal delivery, then into a Vivian lead, something that you don’t hear in Leppard and the guy is a legend let’s face it, great solo and then back into that upbeat riff again! It’s a good opener, a bit lighter than expected, but a good up-tempo rocker of a track!
Track 2 – Ghost Town
Jungle tribal groove underpinned by a great bass line and a sliding guitar figure, this massively sounds very Zepplin, then we land on the chorus and it’s a great riff, Andrew really showing his vocal prowess, adding grit but always keeping the melody, this is just a huge chorus and that riff sounds awesome, then into the middle and a pickup in pace, and an absolutely face melter of a solo, then halfway through it goes back into that more sludgy groove before going back into that verse riff again, Andrew getting a chance to shine at the end, going way up in pitch and really screaming and holding the notes out, great end to the track, great energy!
Track 3 – Bastard Son
Spacey intro before you get a guitar riff that I’m not going to lie, it reminded me of something Mark Tremonti would play, and it has a sort of Alice in Chains vocal delivery with the two voices over that middle eastern vibed guitar riff, driving drums lead you into the chorus, again everything is very rememberable, and you will get that chorus stuck in your head, but that verse, I just love the vibe and the feel of it! That riff at 3:10 is nasty, and a great groove underneath it, that solo as well, the guy can play and I am glad he has this band to show that fire in his playing again, this is an absolute stormer of a track, love it!
Track 4 – Dark Days
Sort of starts off with a riff that would remind me of like Free/Bad Company, but with a lot more aggressive vocal delivery, lot of grooves in this one, the chorus just lays it down with a lovely harmony vocal section from Andrew, that riff is so slinky, almost Bolan in parts? Are you sick of me mentioning the solos yet…… well it’s another blinder on this track, and yes as a guitar player from Northern Ireland, Vivian is one of my big three Irish guitarists, after the solo though, is that not a real Beatles feeling and sounding section?? Then back into that chorus section again, it’s a well put together track with loads of different elements!
Track 5 – Burning Bridges
First slow sort of ballad track, clean guitar with a slow drum beat and Andrew front and center of this one, great use of harmony again on the “world won’t wait for you” part, that’s a really strong chorus, now that’s a Leppard style part and the vocals in this do remind me of Viv’s other band, I should mention Vinnie and Phil, who just hold it down and there are loads of little drum fills and listen to some of those bass lines under the solo on this track, really adding to it but never overshadowing the music, very tasteful, this is another great track!
Track 6 – Do the Work
Again my first thought was, very Alter Bridge/Creed, then you think, hang on, Viv was doing this sort of intro in the 80s, into a proper groovy and driving riff, that’s just nasty I love it, great groove, and again the vocals and harmony vocals are on point, it actually reminds me a lot of Van Halen especially in the chorus, that bit where the riff comes in just before the solo with the breaks sound heavy, solo and yeah yet again, I just love the man’s playing, and then back into that intro, then it bits back into the chorus, another scorcher of a track!
Track 7 – Hurricane Orlaugh
Almost like a rush riff to start, driving tom drum groove with great harmony vocals before we kick up through about three gears for the pre chorus and then it goes back into the drum groove with a prodding bass line peppering it, yeah, I know I know, but that solo, class, I haven’t heard a weak track yet, everything about this is strong, this is the most up-tempo track when it hits it, but it transitions through all the parts so well, really well put together song!
Track 8 – Walls of Jericho
Oh, now that could be straight off a Dio record, that’s a riff and a half there, straight in the with the driving drums as well, no messing about on this one! Great vocal again on the verse with the harmonies on the background as well, nice chorus part, no drop in intensity as well, it just keeps driving, great chorus and again it will have it stuck in your head on first listen, there’s something sort of Maiden about this track as well?
Track 9 – Story of my Life
Groove and another slinky 80s style riff, this is just a hard rocker of a track, again sort of more Whitesnake till you get to the chorus and its pretty radio friendly in a way, it just keeps driving, real hard-hitting groove, this will get the heads moving at a gig, just a great metal track!
Track 10 – We Don’t Run
Very Last in Line style intro, before we hit a brick wall of a riff, again we are in that mid-tempo driver of a track, then we hit the verse and it breaks down a bit, with a slightly less distorted riff and the drums go to a half time feel, but then we build up as we head back into that chorus, they can definitely write a strong chorus, again you get those lovely vocals coming in behind the main vocal and just lifting the chorus, lovely solo, keeping the melody and then peppering it with a bit of flash, short solo but perfect for the track and then we build up again into that catchy chorus!
Track 11 –Something Wicked
Now that riff is straight from the George Lynch school, first thing I thought of was Dokken, more 90s era, and again the vocals do remind me of that especially when you get the harmonies coming in, that’s no slur either, this is a great track, but it gave me that vibe straight away, that’s a lot more aggressive chorus through, again Andrew delivers on the vocals, lovely solo and again listen to the start of that and tell me you don’t get the George Lynch vibe off it and I love George, this track is a bit different in feel to the rest of the songs so far, still really good, just different, love the outro section and the pickup in pace!
Track 12 – House Party at the End of the World
Now listen to that riff and the way the drums are underneath it, the first thing I did was go back and there it was “We Rock” from Last in Line, straight away that’s what it reminded me of! Driving, the rhythm section is locked down and holding this one with Viv’s riff over the top, again really Andrew is the star of this album, his vocal performance is just outstanding on every track, and seeing him live he delivers the same intensity, great chorus on this one, yet again! Im not, not going to say, another cracking solo from Vivian, yet again showing why he is a guitar hero to so many people, as well as a great riff and song writer, a really outstanding set of tracks!
9.5 out of 10
And the only reason this isn’t a 10 out of 10 is I would probably have put Something Wicked as a bonus track, as I sort of feel if you had We Don’t Run into House Party, then had Something Wicked as a bonus track after it would have flowed a bit better.
In saying that, this is an outstanding album, full of great songs, fantastic playing from all the guys and really just an absolutely solid rock album, very highly recommended, I fully enjoyed this!!!

Last In Line are: Vivian Campbell (Def Leppard, ex-Dio), Vinny Appice (ex-Black Sabbath, ex-Dio), Phil Soussan (ex-Ozzy Osbourne), Andrew Freeman (ex-Lynch Mob)
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