Home News WinterStorm Stage times and final line up revealed

WinterStorm Stage times and final line up revealed

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WinterStorm have unveiled the full stage timings for all four days of their annual Rock Weekender on Scotland’s West Coast and are celebrating the diverse and international line up for version seven of the ever popular weekend.

The three day event (plus an After the ‘Storm wind down on the Sunday) features some of the Legends of previous years.

Running from Thursday 23rd of November 2023 the event has sold more than 3500 tickets over the four days and will bring together rock bands and fans of all ages and nationalities for the seventh time.

More than ever WinterStorm are delighted at the international thread running through the WinterStorm line up as German guitar legends Michael Schenker (ex-UFO and Scorpions) and Uli Jon Roth (also ex-Scorpions), US based Graham Bonnet, European based Tyketto and Dutch prog rockers Focus and German crowd favourites The New Roses are also all on the bill. Mix in some Aussie rockers in the form of Cassidy Paris and Wicked Smile and add in some South American blood with Brazilian rockers Electric Gypsy and Noturnall on the Sessions Stage.

They’re joined by artistes from across the UK from glam Bad Actress from the north of Scotland and the tribal pipes and drums of Clann an Drumma to the blues of Pat McManus and power of Trucker Diablo from Northern Ireland, the vocals of Chez Kane from Wales and a host of bands from across Scotland and England including North of England hard rockers Massive Wagons and newly added Gin Annie who will open up the whole shebang on Thursday afternoon.

Fans of 80s New Wave of British Heavy Metal wont be disappointed with the return of both Tygers of Pan Tang and Praying Mantis and a warm welcome to Iron Maiden’s original front man Paul Di’Anno and they’ll be complemented by the heavier sounds of Ashen Reach and the more melodic rock with Doogie White, Romeo’s Daughter and FM providing the harmonies and key changes!

The blues have been an integral part of WinterStorm and as well as Pat McManus there will be performances from WinterStorm catalyst Jim Kirkpatrick and a much looked forward to return of Chantel McGregor for both a full band and acoustic set.

The Sessions Stage is always popular and again features a diverse range of musical genres none more interesting than the old Scottish rockers section featuring Ayrshire legends The Penetrations and Lyin’ Rampant along with Glasgow. These three were well know in the eighties as part of the Scottish scene and it is just so right to have them all as part of the Legends and Legacies of WinterStorm.

Matt Pearce and the Mutiny, Syteria, Baleful Creed, Bastette, Blue Lena and The Brink complete the rest of the line up for a second stage that would stand up to scrutiny even on its own!

After the ‘Storm was added to the weekend in year two and features an acoustic session on the Sunday afternoon and a more locally focussed gig in the evening.

The three act line up for the Acoustic Sessions this year sees Jason Sweeney, who played with The King Lot in year one open the acoustic Stage followed by Alan and Stevie Nimmo of King King and closed out by Danny Vaughn of Tyketto. This event is almost sold out less than forty eight hours after tickets were released.

The evening event this year celebrates 50 years of the sound of Gaelic rockers with The Runrig Experience and they are supported by Clann an Drumma and the afternoon opens with the local Ayrshire Rock Choir.

Event founder, Ian McCaig said “We always planned for our Legends and Legacies 2023 event to be bigger and better than ever and we are thrilled to be heading for more than 3500 ticket sales over the four days and full hotel rooms across Troon and beyond.

We remain hopeful that we can get a three year plan in place with South Ayrshire Council that will allow us to take WinterStorm through to is tenth anniversary in Troon in 2026

Remaining tickets are on sale now, and more information about the event is available on the website at
Tickets can be purchased from https://www.winterstorm.co.uk/tickets-and-packages-2023

Stage Timings Below
Thursday 23rd November
Steve Strange Stage Sessions Stage Curated by Shock City
1400 Doors Open
1415 – 1455 40 T1.1 Gin Annie
1515 – 1600 45 T1.2 Romeo’s Daughter
1600 – 1640 40 F2.1 Glasgow
1640 – 1730 50 T1.3 Pat McManus
1930 – 1810 40 F2.2 Lyin’ Rampant
1810 – 1855 45 T1.4 Chez Kane
1855 – 1935 40 F2.3 Sin Dogs
1935 – 1950 20 Absent Friends Tribute
1950 – 2100 70 T1.5 The New Roses
2100 – 2140 40 F2.4 Matt Pearce and the Mutiny
2145 – 2315 90 T1.6 Michael Schenker Group

Friday 24th November
Steve Strange Stage Sessions Stage
1200 Doors Open Bar Opens
1235 – 1320 45 F1.1 Bad Actress
1320 – 1400 40 S2.1 Electric Gypsy
1400 – 1445 45 F1.2 Jim Kirkpatrick
1525 – 1610 45 F1.3 Paul Di’Anno
1630 – 1715 45 F1.4 Tygers of Pan Tang
1715 – 1755 40 S2.2 Noturnall
1755 – 1845 50 F1.5 Focus
1845 – 1915 30 S2.3 Pete K Mally
1915 – 2005 50 F1.6 FM
2005 – 2045 40 S2.4 The Penetrations
2045 – 2145 60 F1.7 Uli Jon Roth
2145 – 2225 40 S2.5 Bastette
2225 – 2315 50 F1.8 Massive Wagons

Saturday 25th November
Steve Strange Stage Sessions Stage
1200 Doors Open
1220 – 1300 40 Cassidy Paris
1325 – 1405 40 S1.1 Trucker Diablo
1405 – 1445 40 S2.1 The Blue Lena
1445 – 1545 60 S1.2 Chantel McGregor
1600 – 1630 30 S1.3 Clan an Drumma
1630 – 1710 40 Chantel McGregor
1710 – 1750 40 S1.4 Ashen Reach
1745 – 1825 40 S2.2 Baleful Creed
1825 – 1910 45 S1.5 Doogie White and Friends
1910 – 1950 40 S2.4 Syteria
1950 – 2035 45 S1.6 Praying Mantis
2035 – 2115 40 S2.5 Wicked Smile
2115 – 2215 60 S1.7 Tyketto
2245 – 2345 60 S1.8 Graham Bonnet Band 2215 – 2245 40 S2.6 The Brink
2345 We Wish You Well
The Lone Piper

Sunday 26th November
Acoustic Stage Main Stage
1200 Doors Open 1600
1215 – 1315 60 ATS1 Jason Sweeney 1630 – 1700 30 The Rock Choir
1335 – 1445 70 ATS2 Alan and Stevie Nimmo 1730 – 1820 50 Clann an Drumma
1505 – 1615 70 ATS3 Danny Vaughn 1845 – 2015 90 The Runrig Experience

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