Home EPs EP Review : Beyond Extinction – Nothing More Wretched (Deluxe Anniversary Edition

EP Review : Beyond Extinction – Nothing More Wretched (Deluxe Anniversary Edition

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Review by Lydia Evans for MPM

17th March brings the one year anniversary of death metal band Beyond Extinction’s EP Nothing More Wretched.

To celebrate this, the band has released an anniversary edition which includes special box sets that are being sold in the UK and Europe through EMP.

This new version also includes two additional tracks, Reverse Life Support (featuring Dilan Alves of
Harbinger), and Posthuman.

The band hails from Essex, England and is described as deathcore and “death metal at the highest level” (Alex Baker, Kerrang). Beyond Extinction are here to bring the new wave of death metal across the UK and beyond.

Although the original edition of the EP has been out for a year now, this is my first time listening.
The album opens with Warmth of the Empty Light, a dark ambient track that sets the creepy, spine-chilling feel of the EP.

The Subjugator takes us into heavy death metal, with deep and distorted vocals and a heavy, booming riff. Nothing More Wretched is a title track that perfectly expresses the vibe.

Beyond Extinction delivers just what you would hope for and expect with a death metal album. The drums are militaristically precise and the rhythm section booms.

Gravedigger has a fantastic riff and is a dynamic track for its genre. About a minute and a half in, the song shifts to melodic guitars and a moment of showing off the vocals before the instrumentals build back in again. Eyes of God Look Down Upon Me is another track with impressively precise drums.

The introductory riff is spooky and melodic before breaking off into even heavier guitars. Plague Monarch is the final track from the original release, and it might be my personal favourite track. It begins with one minute of a melodic yet sinister bass line and haunting guitars which really stands out to me.

Reverse Life Support features Dilan Alves of the band Harbinger. The band spoke of their excitement for this track on Instagram by writing, “Once again, we’re very grateful to have had Dilan lay down his vocals on our latest single.

Harbinger are one of the most exciting bands coming out of the UK right now and good friends of ours too. We hope you like the Harbinger stamp on our track as much as we do.”

The addition of Dilan’s vocals on this track take it to the next level, and it’s a great match. All in all, the EP is very cohesive and sets a theme. This feature doesn’t take away from this, only adds.

The second additional track and final track is Posthuman. The vocals on this one are out of this world chilling, showing off a range of higher and lower vocals. I think the additional tracks are great additions to this EP.

Beyond Extinction delivers shocking, menacing death metal. So heavy in fact, as I listened to it on my laptop, my laptop’s fan began to whizz so loud, I thought it was going to kill my laptop! With rumbling vocals and extreme instrumentals, they are a force to be reckoned with in the genre.

The band has upcoming dates in the UK this June. On 17th August , they’ll be performing at Never Forget Your Own, an event at the Underworld Camden, dedicated to the late Zach Scott.

All profits will be going to Youngminds, Help Musicians, and CALM.

Band Members
Jasper Harmer – vocals
Jude Bennett – guitars
Niall Ali – drums and percussion

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