Home EPs EP Review : Darko “Greyscale”

EP Review : Darko “Greyscale”

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Review by Scottie Brown for MPM

People can be afraid to speak out on what they believe, but that’s not the case with the brand new Darko EP titled “Greyscale”.

This EP is a five song EP that speaks of not accepting the normal and embracing the action of standing up for what you believe in. From start to finish, this nearly 20-minute EP is fast paced, heart stomping, and empowering between the lyrics and the music. By the end, there will be new motivation for anyone that takes a listen.

Greyscale starts off with the intro track “What I cannot Be”, which is right in the face. It immediately sets the tone for the rest of the EP.

The entire band is putting their all in the instruments, while the lyrics are in sync, speaking on never listening to others tell someone who they can and can’t be. The next track “Built on Broken Backs” changes the pace a bit with some pop punk chunky riffs with powerful vocals, this is one of the most evident tracks on the album that shows this band can go anywhere musically with the message they want to tell. AUX II is a notable track on the album as this one does a great job of putting everything in Darko’s arsenal to the test.

Lowest Hanging Fruit” is the outro on the album being the longest song and the most well composed. This song was what the entire EP was leading to, with an amazing interlude of drumming, chants, and lead guitars stay on sync and give it everything that the band has. This also gives the band plenty of time to give an amazingly heavy instrumental, that leads back into the chorus. While it’s evident the band put their hearts into the entire EP, there is something special about the last track on the album.

Darko, a band that is not afraid to tip the edges of what normal “metal” can be. There can be an EP filled with raw emotion that speaks the truth accompanied by music that shares the same feelings.

This EP is clocking in at just over 16 minutes, but that feels necessary for what the band wanted to accomplish with this EP.

The band does not want to overstay their welcome but get their message across while taking the listener through aggression and angst. By the end of this EP, the emotion that will be felt by whoever comes across Greyscale will need it and realize that it’s okay to be yourself and embrace things outside the ordinary.

The music accompanies the message perfectly, combining sharp screams and growls with emotional cleans. Darko was absolutely off the “scale” with this one. This band’s future is bright based on the power that these five songs hold alone.

Band Members
Tom West – Vocals
Rob Piper – Guitars
Chris Brown – Guitars
Karl Sursham – Bass
Andy Borg – Drums

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