Featured Gallery Clutch Clutch at The Limelight, Belfast. (c) Metal Planet Music Clutch at The Limelight, Belfast. (c) Metal Planet Music Clutch at The Limelight, Belfast. (c) Metal Planet Music Clutch at The Limelight, Belfast. (c) Metal Planet Music Clutch at The Limelight, Belfast. (c) Metal Planet Music Clutch at The Limelight, Belfast. (c) Metal Planet Music Clutch at The Limelight, Belfast. (c) Metal Planet Music Clutch at The Limelight, Belfast. (c) Metal Planet Music Clutch at The Limelight, Belfast. (c) Metal Planet Music Volbeat Volbeat at The Telegraph Building. (c) Metal Planet Music Volbeat at The Telegraph Building. (c) Metal Planet Music Volbeat at The Telegraph Building. (c) Metal Planet Music Volbeat at The Telegraph Building. (c) Metal Planet Music Volbeat at The Telegraph Building. (c) Metal Planet Music Volbeat at The Telegraph Building. (c) Metal Planet Music Volbeat at The Telegraph Building. (c) Metal Planet Music Volbeat at The Telegraph Building. (c) Metal Planet Music Volbeat at The Telegraph Building. (c) Metal Planet Music Alter Bridge Alter Bridge at the Limelight, Belfast Alter Bridge at the Limelight, Belfast Alter Bridge at the Limelight, Belfast Alter Bridge at the Limelight, Belfast Alter Bridge at the Limelight, Belfast Alter Bridge at the Limelight, Belfast Alter Bridge at the Limelight, Belfast Alter Bridge at the Limelight, Belfast Alter Bridge at the Limelight, Belfast Alter Bridge at the Limelight, Belfast