Home Albums Album Review : THE HOT DAMN – ‘DANCING ON THE MILKY WAY’ (Fat Earth Records)

Album Review : THE HOT DAMN – ‘DANCING ON THE MILKY WAY’ (Fat Earth Records)

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Review by Paul Sabin for MPM

Marlow based, The Hot Damn! who formed in 2021 from the ashes of bands The Amorettes and Tequila Mockingbyrd, consisting of Gill Montgomery (The Amorettes), Josie O’Toole (Tequila Mockingbyrd), Laurie Buchanan (Aaron Buchanan and the Cult Classics) and Lzi Hayes (New Device/Sophie Lloyd band), are well known on the live circuit having rocked many festivals and venues around the UK.

You will remember them if you’ve seen them as they have a love all things bright and fluorescent when it comes to stage attire!

Their debut album was recorded in Melbourne, doncaster, evesham and lancaster and kicks off with `Fizz, Buzz, Crash’ as Montgomery asks “Ok you sexy motherfuckers, are you ready for this? Of course you are!” from here on in, a fast paced guitar chug underpinned by O’Toole’s powerful drumming takes over. Infectious melodies and harmonies abound in his upbeat rocker. `Dance Around’ takes no prisoners and hits you straight between the eyes as the pace is kept up and Montgomery’s vocal gets gritty, and the guitars sing out together.

`Jukebox On The Radio’ sees O’Toole hitting that cowbell and introducing intricate drum patterns mixed in with power chords galore and yet more catchy hook lines. `I Didn’t Like You Anyway’ brings in some great guitar licks buried in amongst a freight train like chug ahead of the chorus filled with harmonies. Montgomery and Buchanan’s guitar twin guitar parts are superb.

`Damn!Damn!Damn!Damn!’ is a fast picking guitar number that is quite simply a wonderous wall of sound as Montgomery’s kick ass powerful vocal rings out. `Going Down’ strips things back a little as a phased guitar riff pounds out the rhythm. The world really will be shaking with this track! So, crank it up!

Twin guitars launch `Automatic’ as Mongomery raps out the lead up to the earworm of a chorus. The guitars and vibe here have a Van Halen feel. There is no doubt here that these girls know how to rock. `Live Laugh Love’ with its punkish harmonic filled guitar parts and shouty vocals really gets the blood pumping as the track relentlessly powers on.

`About Last Night’ with its quirky vocal sound, ever changing tempo and a mood the flips between dark and light is perhaps the most out of place song here. `Loud And Clear’ sits at the other end of the scale as whilst is still rocks hard and is certainly not laid back, it is far more conventional in its delivery.

‘Can You Hear Me Now’ gets back into the commercial guitar fuelled mode that ebbs and flows in a way that is bound to get a crowd jumping. We finish with `Sticky Clubs’ which is a total departure form the other tracks as a simple guitar part picks out the tune backed by a quieter drum beat. This is a close as we get to a ballad here and by God its works.

Don’t listen to this album if you want to relax as it’s a 100 miles per hour rollercoaster of an album that is filled with fast paced songs which gets your heart pumping and makes you want to jump around the room. Josie O’Toole’s drumming is immense here (amazing she has all that energy left whilst also managing These Wicked Rivers!!) aided by the thunderous bass of Lzi Hayes. Gill Montgomery’s voice is out of this world as she blends power with a smooth warmth and both Mongomery and Buchanan are mistresses of the fretboard.

No fillers, no frills just straight ahead infectious rock. As Gill Montgomery put it “Buckle up buttercup!”

Pre-order Dancing On The Milky Way here: www.thehotdamn.com

Digital pre-save here:  https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/thehotdamn1/dancing-on-the-milky-way


Gill Montgomery – Vocals / Guitar
Laurie Buchanan – Guitar / Backing vocals
Lzi Hayes – Bass / Backing vocals
Josie O’Toole – Drums

Tickets and info via www.thehotdamn.com

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Image credit: Rob Blackham

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