Review by Rick Eaglestone for MPM
Zetra unveil a cosmic soundscape for their self-titled debut album Sweeping in with some really enriching gothic tones is Suffer Eternally which the duo interlaces with a delicate balance of synthesiser and ethereal dual vocals, this blends incredibly well with the atmospherics of Sacrifice
Starfall sees the album’s first collaboration with Svalbard which adds a harsher dynamic with great results, there is still very much an aesthetical heartbeat that still remains even into the captivating offering The Mirror – which asks whether it is the observer or their reflection truly in control. Providing a both a narrative and contemplative aspect to the overall listening experience.
“Zetra is another place, on another plane,” reads the scrawl on a tattered document, illuminated by both candlelight and the crackling static of ancient CRT screens, deep in the shadowy inner sanctum of Britain’s most mysterious band. “It was built on truth.
Fatalistic truth. Bad things happen, but they happen for a reason. Catastrophically, however, Zetra has been infected by the poison of falsehood, eroded – as with acid – at its very foundations. Now, a journey into the grey between truth and lies. A search for salvation from the deceptions that might strangle us all…”
Moving into the metaphorical Shatter The Mountains Zetra once again provide a hypnotic trance like soundscape that combines both electro and well-placed heavier parts which is complimented by the grandeur of Holy Malice (Annabel) which truly leans into the overall celestial glow of this incredibly polished debut.
Pulling at the emotions is Inseparable with its dreamy tempo and soft piano elements makes for a particular highlight this is then filled with a real gothic metal track in the form of Gaia which has a wonderful chorus and guitar work and then this trio is polished off with Moonfall which features contributions from Unto Others.
The debut concludes with Miracle which feels bittersweet and in stark contrast to the album’s beginning, the track does a brilliant job in providing an element of finality to something that has been interlocked with complexity and emotion throughout.
“The door has only just opened…” The Document concludes with a mesmerising promise that devotees won’t be able to help but follow into the lengthening shadow. “These recordings aren’t the end of Zetra’s journey. They are but The Beginning. So listen closely to find where this dark path leads…”

Zetra Track listing.
1. Suffer Eternally
2. Sacrifice
3. Starfall
4. Mirror
5. Shatter The Mountain
6. Holy Malice
7. Inseparable
8. Gaia
9. Moonfall
10. Miracle
ZETRA | vocals, guitars, synths, drum programming
8 /10