Home Gigs Gig Review : The Halo Effect – Halo Over Europe Tour 2025 Electric Ballroom, London,

Gig Review : The Halo Effect – Halo Over Europe Tour 2025 Electric Ballroom, London,

7 min read

Review, by Quentin Howes

In the heart of Camden Town, North London, is the Electric Ballroom, which was hosting The Halo Effect. The 1500 capacity venue was packed, which was no surprise, when you think who are The Halo Effect.

A super group featuring: Niclas Engelin, Mikael Stanne, Peter Iwers, Daniel Svensson, Jesper Strömblad. All experienced musicians from being in Swedish Melodic Death Metal bands over the years, with likes of: In Flames, Ceremonial Oath, Dark Tranquillity, Hammerfall, Sacrilege, etc.

The Halo Effect is a successful band project, which has seen success with their Days Of The Lost album, released in 2022 and now March Of The Unheard album, released in January, in time for the London concert.

The support line-up for the night was strong, with a fantastic underrated Finnish Melodic Death Metal band, Bloodred Hourglass. This is there first time to visit London, and they were well received by the audience. A band who has presented 6 albums, since 2012.

Their last album was a killer release with “How’s The Heart?” In 2023. They use light background synths, EDM and drum loop sounds at times to enhance their energetic style of Melodic Death Metal. Looking at the stage, It did not look like easy conditions for them to perform, as there were 3 drum kits on the stage, 2 of them with covers over them, all prepared for the next two bands. So, the space for 6 Bloodred Hourglass musicians to perform was very difficult on a small stage.

With a short setlist, they kicked off with “The Sun Still In Me” and then straight into “In Lieu Of Flowers”, presenting what makes them stand out, pushing the barriers of the Melodic Death Metal genre, with pinpoint tight riffs, a balance with an uplifting style, mixing of mellow and raw aggression. After Bloodred Hourglass set, you could hear this band gained some fans.

Next on stage was the well-established Swedish band, Pain. It was originally considered a side project from Peter Tägtgren’s main band Hypocrisy back in the late 1990’s, but over the years, Peter has turned Pain into a well establish band, which is filled with experimentation of mixing Industrial, Electronic and elements of other musical genres to blend in with Extreme Metal.

What we saw from the performance, the band presents humour and changing into different costumes to fit the songs they are performing. Intriguing was the drum kit was present transparent, covered with LED lights changing colours.

After two strong support bands, it was time for The Halo Effect. What was noticed, guitarist, Jesper Strömblad, well known for his early appearances for In Flames, was travelling with the band The Halo Effect, meeting fans, but was not performing.

Instead, Patrik Jensen, known for being in The Haunted and Witchery, was in his place on stage. Even though I did see Jesper Strömblad before main doors opened, for personal reasons he could not perform.

The Halo Effect members kicked off with the title track of their latest album “March Of The Unheard”. The track begins light, with members of the crowd clapping along with introductory guitar melody, before the track builds up into full out Melodic Death Metal. With no break, we were treated with “Feel What I Believe”, which was originally presented with a promo video, to promote the first album.

What was clear to see, was how engaging the band members were with the crowd, standing regularly on the edge of the stage looking to catch attention from members of the audience. Mikael Stanne would smile to the fans on the front and reach out to engage with the fans in the back.

When “The Needless End” was performed, the crowd were singing along to the guitar melody. Throughout the set from track to track, The Halo Effect members would show their experience and professionalism, showing they have such an appetite to perform live.

Photography by Artur Tarczewski 

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