Home Albums Album Review : Tremonti – The End Will Show Us How

Album Review : Tremonti – The End Will Show Us How

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Review by Paddy Gallagher for MPM

The name of Mark Tremonti requires no long-winded introduction to readers of this website. Closing in on 30 years as a recording artist; his regular day job as ¼ of Alter Bridge, ¼ of the recently resurrected Creed, and in a solo capacity with his project Tremonti has saw him amass a catalogue of 17 rock/metal album releases plus an album of Frank Sinatra classics for Down Syndrome charity NDSS totalling approximately 60 million album sales.

A revered guitarist having won numerous awards from Guitar World and a Grammy for “Eyes Wide Open” with Creed, the songwriting on any release bearing his name will be of high quality with an expanse of heavy riffage is to be expected. With the release of “The End Will Show Us How” we get that.

None of his Alter Bridge or Creed colleagues are involved, Bass duties are handled by Tanner Keegan with Ryan Bennett on drums. Long time sidekick Eric Friedman provides rhythm guitar and back vocals as usual.

“The Mother, The Earth and I” opens the album with an up and running feel as if we’ve opened the door into the rehearsal room continuing with the main riff before “One More Time” chugs into life with an angry stop start heavy ass riff before a shift into the bridge and chorus straight from the alt-metal handbook and a scorching solo from Mark. Guaranteed to get the crowd swaying and punching the air at a gig!

First single, “Just too Much” implores the listener to push onwards no matter what adversity faces you while “Nails” has a dark riff, much different to what has went before leading to almost grunge feel to the vocal melodies and a scorching solo tearing over the fretboard. “It’s Not Over” starts down tempo with Marks’s distinctive vocals accompanying mournful plucked guitar notes, one that should be included on the setlist for the forthcoming tour.

After the title track, “Tomorrow We Will Fail” starts with a rumbling Bass line and thumping drums moving up-tempo again, more straight ahead rockin’ than grungin’!

The second half of the album, or Side 2 in old currency, is a shredathon with riffs galloping forth from the speakers; “I’ll Take My Chances”, “The Bottom”, “Live In Fear” and “Now That I’ve Made It” allowing Mark and Eric to kick ass! And what is this we hear at the start album closer “All The Wicked Things”? Synth!? Fear not, the expected riffs soon kick in!

Sure, this is Tremonti, and if you are familiar with the bulk of his work you will know what to expect, the music and the songwriting is undeniably of a superior quality.  Not all pedal to the metal riffage with some interesting passages, this album maintains the high standards of craft we expect and get from Tremonti the man and the band while evolving their sound and provides another fine addition to an already expansive discography.  

The End Will Show Us How tracklisting:

  1. The Mother, The Earth and I
  2. One More Time
  3. Just Too Much
  4. Nails
  5. It’s Not Over
  6. The End Will Show Us How
  7. Tomorrow We Will Fail
  8. I’ll Take My Chances
  9. The Bottom
  10. Live In Fear
  11. Now That I’ve Made It
  12. All The Wicked Things

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